Sunday, 09 June 2024

Baht To BitCoin (THB/BTC)

The Baht to BitCoin exchange rate increased by +2.17% since yesterday.

THB to BTC Rate Today


Convert Baht to BitCoin

 Currency Converter    1 Baht
1 US Dollar = 0.8765 Euro

Historical Rate Chart - THB to BTC

Historical Rate changes of the Baht against the BitCoin

In the last 3 months, the value of the Baht against the BitCoin has fallen by -5.00%. The Baht is losing ground to the BitCoin and the rate dropped since last week, recording a decline of -2.65%.
With regard to recent valuations 3 months ago, the Baht equaled 0.00 BitCoins and is now worth 0.00 BitCoins. Since the exchange rate between both currencies has remained unchanged, your purchase power over the last 90 days also remained the same. Therefore, if you are intending to trade or invest in Baht, you will get the same amount of BitCoins for your Baht. The trend history chart illustrates these recent changes. You can also plug in and convert the number of Baht (or BitCoins) in the currency calculator above.

N/A and the BitCoin

BitCoin (ISO: BTC) is a crypto or digital currency. Unlike government issued currencies, BitCoin is operated by a decentralized authority. Therefore the currency is not backed by any bank, financial institution or any government. BitCoins is also not used or valuable as a commodity. It's symbol is 'Ƀ'.

Inverse Exchange Link (BTC to THB)

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Baht to BitCoin Conversion

THB Flag
Thai Baht ฿
BTC Flag
BitCoin Ƀ
1 Baht0.00 BitCoins
3 Baht0.00 BitCoins
5 Baht0.00 BitCoins
10 Baht0.00 BitCoins
20 Baht0.00 BitCoins
50 Baht0.00 BitCoins
100 Baht0.00 BitCoins
200 Baht0.00 BitCoins
500 Baht0.00 BitCoins
1,000 Baht0.00 BitCoins
5,000 Baht0.00 BitCoins
10,000 Baht0.00 BitCoins
50,000 Baht0.02 BitCoins
1 THB = 0.0000 BTC
2024-06-09 UTC

BitCoin to Baht Conversion

BTC Flag
BitCoin Ƀ
THB Flag
Thai Baht ฿
1 BitCoin2,556,505.28 Baht
3 BitCoins7,669,515.83 Baht
5 BitCoins12,782,526.38 Baht
10 BitCoins25,565,052.76 Baht
20 BitCoins51,130,105.52 Baht
50 BitCoins127,825,263.79 Baht
100 BitCoins255,650,527.58 Baht
200 BitCoins511,301,055.17 Baht
500 BitCoins1,278,252,637.92 Baht
1,000 BitCoins2,556,505,275.84 Baht
5,000 BitCoins12,782,526,379.20 Baht
10,000 BitCoins25,565,052,758.40 Baht
50,000 BitCoins127,825,263,792.01 Baht
1 BTC = 2556505.2758 THB
2024-06-09 UTC