Sunday, 09 June 2024

UAE Dirham To Sri Lankan Rupee (AED/LKR)

The exchange rate of the UAE Dirham to Sri Lankan Rupee rose +0.67% in the last 24 hours.

AED to LKR Rate Today


Convert UAE Dirham to Sri Lankan Rupee

 Currency Converter    1 UAE Dirham
1 US Dollar = 0.8765 Euro

Historical Rate Chart - AED to LKR

Historical Fluctuations of the AED to LKR Exchange Rate

The overall value of the UAE Dirham against the Sri Lankan Rupee has decreased by -0.81% in the last 3 months. However, there has been an uptick in valuation since last week.
In terms of market value, a UAE Dirham was worth 83.64 Sri Lankan Rupees 3 months ago and is now valued at 82.96 Sri Lankan Rupees. This drop does not favor consumers or travelers currently visiting Sri Lanka, as you will get less Sri Lankan Rupees for your UAE Dirham. This represents a decline in buying power during your stay. The trend history chart illustrates these recent changes. You can also plug in and convert the number of UAE Dirham (or Sri Lankan Rupees) in the currency calculator above.

The Sri Lankan Rupee

The Sri Lankan Rupee (ISO: LKR) is the official currency of Sri Lanka. Its symbol is '₨' and the currency is subdivided into 100 cents per Sri Lankan Rupee.

Travel Tip

Before vacationing, we recommended you exchange UAE Dirham to Sri Lankan Rupees, or other currencies, at your local bank or credit union, as you will, in general, get much better exchange rates than you would at airport kiosks, where rate hikes are common and expected. Although conveniently located at your port of entry, currency exchange kiosks will also charge convenience fees per transaction. Another option to save money while vacationing is to pay any charges you incur with a "no-foreign-transaction-fee-credit-card".

Inverse Exchange Link (LKR to AED)

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Travel Pocket Guide

The currency calculator above can be used online but will also work in low-bandwidth areas if the page is already loaded in your browser. It will work in airplane mode or when your device is offline. Additionally, you can print the handy pocket conversion guides below when traveling to Sri Lanka or take a screenshot on your mobile device. Find instructions on how to take a screenshot on your particular device here.

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UAE Dirham to Sri Lankan Rupee Conversion

AED Flag
UAE Dirham د.إ
LKR Flag
Sri Lankan Rupee ₨
1 UAE Dirham82.96 Sri Lankan Rupees
3 UAE Dirham248.87 Sri Lankan Rupees
5 UAE Dirham414.78 Sri Lankan Rupees
10 UAE Dirham829.56 Sri Lankan Rupees
20 UAE Dirham1,659.12 Sri Lankan Rupees
50 UAE Dirham4,147.80 Sri Lankan Rupees
100 UAE Dirham8,295.60 Sri Lankan Rupees
200 UAE Dirham16,591.19 Sri Lankan Rupees
500 UAE Dirham41,477.98 Sri Lankan Rupees
1,000 UAE Dirham82,955.96 Sri Lankan Rupees
5,000 UAE Dirham414,779.79 Sri Lankan Rupees
10,000 UAE Dirham829,559.57 Sri Lankan Rupees
50,000 UAE Dirham4,147,797.87 Sri Lankan Rupees
1 AED = 82.9560 LKR
2024-06-09 UTC

Sri Lankan Rupee to UAE Dirham Conversion

LKR Flag
Sri Lankan Rupee ₨
AED Flag
UAE Dirham د.إ
1 Sri Lankan Rupee0.01 UAE Dirham
3 Sri Lankan Rupees0.04 UAE Dirham
5 Sri Lankan Rupees0.06 UAE Dirham
10 Sri Lankan Rupees0.12 UAE Dirham
20 Sri Lankan Rupees0.24 UAE Dirham
50 Sri Lankan Rupees0.60 UAE Dirham
100 Sri Lankan Rupees1.21 UAE Dirham
200 Sri Lankan Rupees2.41 UAE Dirham
500 Sri Lankan Rupees6.03 UAE Dirham
1,000 Sri Lankan Rupees12.05 UAE Dirham
5,000 Sri Lankan Rupees60.27 UAE Dirham
10,000 Sri Lankan Rupees120.55 UAE Dirham
50,000 Sri Lankan Rupees602.73 UAE Dirham
1 LKR = 0.0121 AED
2024-06-09 UTC